9 Tips for Effective Feedback
9 tips for effective feedback from our friend Neil Hunter on LinkedIn
Costs of Poor Quality
Reducing scrap and rework are always top contenders for a quality objective, but there are many invisible costs that can create more impact.
Understanding External Audit Length
Lots of our clients have wondered why their external audit is scheduled for two, three or more days. Let's find out why!
Definition of Terms
ISO standards rely on some foundational terms. Here are some that get confused easily.
Silos or System
How well are your processes connected, communicated, and understood?
Saving Costs and Carbon
Peak energy demands are harder on the grid and our wallets, are often more carbon intensive to create.
Adding Depth to Process Audits
Can we strengthen audits to validate processes, resulting in defect-free outputs?
Risk Management Lessons from Shipping Container Losses
As we see industry orders returning, high customer demand with pressure to reduce delivery times often results in cut corners.
Resilience Reminders
In 2020, businesses across the globe learned several contributors to business resiliency.
Plan-Do-Check-Act in the Real World
For 19 years, I worked in an office for a church denomination putting together a large annual conference – 15 to 24 sites per year, all...