Why is a Good Question!
Make 2022 the year where employees have room to ask "why", and make them a part of improvement projects.
Marshall Fire Lessons
December 30, 2021 a fire east of Boulder, CO took out over 1,000 homes and businesses. What preparedness lessons can we learn from this?
Thinking Outside the [Normal] Box
A lot of problems require a different approach, looking for different kinds of resources and different ways of getting to the result.
‘Crazy Busy’ or Controlled Busy?
Let’s borrow a practice from the medical profession, and Triage our work.
Interview Questions To Find Great Fits
As companies restaff, and workers consider transitions, fit is as critical as skills.
Visualizing 5 Whys
Pioneered in the modern age by Sakichi Toyoda, the 5-Whys method is a way to find the causes of a problem in order to target its solutions.
Re-Training as a Corrective Action
What corrective actions may be indicated besides re-training?